Creator's Best Friend
Create YouTube, or Vimeo Pro Video Chapters from
Final Cut Pro Project Chapter Markers, or Premiere Pro and Resolve Sequence Markers.
Creator’s Best Friend has been developed with Peter Wiggins from Idustrial Revolution.

The Final Cut Bro talks it up!

Extra Metadata helps Ranking
Video Chapters add extra metadata to your description that is used to improve a video’s ranking.
Provide Direct Links to Products
In Video Chapters you can provide direct links to products or organizations you might mention. Affiliate links can be shortened in a URL shortener.
Edit Chapters Before Committing
The Creator’s Best Friend interface lets you edit Chapter Markers before copying them.
Just four simple steps
1. Add Chapter Markers to your Project or Sequence as you edit.
2. (FCP) Drag the Project to the Creator’s Best Friend Workflow Extension.
(PP) Export XML from Premiere and open the XML into Creator’s Best Friend.
(Resolve) Export Open Timeline IO from Resolve and import the OTIO file into Creator’s Best Friend.
3. Edit Markers in Creator’s Best Friend.
4. Copy the Chapter Markers from Creator’s Best Friend using the prominent ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button.
5. Paste into the Description Field of your video in YouTube Creator’s Studio.
Auburn Digital
via Twitter
This will actually be a huge time save! Anyone who makes @YouTube content and uses FCPX give this a look. $15 could save you lots of time.
Time is money after all!
This is great. I was just searching how to find chapter markers in final cut and ended up downloading this program. Well worth the $14.99
Russ Lyman
(via YouTube)
Chapters are tags and section headers and SEO and deep links and storytelling and replayability and accessibility and convenience and copywriting and branding and workflow.
I frickin’ love chapters.
Matthew Cassinelli,
Host #SmartTechToday on
@TWiT & YouTube Blogger
Creator’s Best Friend is, quite literally, your best friend.