
Sequence Clip Reporter creates an Excel spreadsheet report about the video clips, audio clips and markers you’ve used in your edited sequence or bins. The report includes sheets for:

You can choose which tracks of clips to include in the report, and Preferences lets you choose whether durations are reported as seconds (for easier spreadsheet calculations), frames or HH:MM:SS:FF timecode format.

For help with activating Sequence Clip Reporter or moving it to another computer, see this help page.

Please use Email Support under the Help menu for bug reports, feature requests or support.

Loading your sequence into Sequence Clip Reporter

  1. Open your project and your sequence if it isn’t already open.
  2. Choose the File menu and select Export > Final Cut Pro XML…
  3. In Sequence Clip Reporter, click the Open XML file… button or choose the File menu and select Open… to open the exported XML; or drag-and-drop the XML file to the dock tile.
  4. To switch to another sequence, open it in your editing application and export a new XML file for opening into Sequence Clip Reporter.

Analyzing your Bins or Sequences

  1. In Sequence Clip Reporter choose the sequence (or Bin Clips) you want to analyze from the Report popup menu, then click the Analyze button; or, if your project has only one sequence or only bin clips, it is automatically analyzed for you.
    Tip: If you need to report video only or audio only, you can set a preference to analyze only the track types you want (see Preferences). Analyzing only video or only audio is faster than analyzing both.
  2. Click the checkboxes ‘on’ for each video and audio track you want to include in the report.
  3. To leave out audio in clips that also contain video, click the Ignore audio in clips with video checkbox ‘on’.
  4. To add optional report sheets for markers, titles, transitions, filters, motion effects or reels, click the appropriate checkboxes ‘on’.
  5. If you want the spreadsheet to open after the file is saved, click the Open the spreadsheet after saving checkbox ‘on’.
  6. Click the Save spreadsheet… button. Name and save the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet can then be rearranged and customized, or the content of the spreadsheet copied and pasted into a pre-made template.

You can create reports for another sequence in your project by selecting it from the Report popup menu and clicking the Analyze button.

IMPORTANT: Nested sequences and their clips are ignored.

Clips Report

Lists the video and/or audio clips for the chosen tracks in order of their appearance (regardless of which track the clip is in). The report includes columns for: Thumbnail; Track or Bin; Clip Name; Enabled; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; Clip Duration (calculated from Sequence In/Out timecode); Source Reel Name; Source In timecode; Source Out timecode; Source Duration (calculated from Source In/Out timecode); Sound Roll Name; logging information (Description, Scene, Shot/Take, Log Note, Scene Note, Shot Note, Take Note); film data (Camera Roll, Daily Roll, Lab Roll); Label; comments (Master Comment 1, Master Comment 2, Master Comment 3, Master Comment 4, Comment A, Comment B); Frame Rate/Sample Rate; Frame Size; Source File Path.

Sequence Markers Report

Lists the sequence markers in order of their appearance. The report includes columns for: Marker Name; Type (Note, Chapter, Compression or Scoring); Comment; Start timecode; End timecode; Duration; and Color.

Clip Markers Report

Lists the clip markers in order of their appearance (regardless of which track the clip is in). The report includes columns for: Track; Marker Name; Clip Name; Comment; Color; Sequence In and Sequence Out timecodes; Duration; Source In and Source Out timecodes.

IMPORTANT: Premiere Pro CS6 (but not CC) has an issue that prevents markers being exported into the Final Cut Pro XML, so sequence and clip markers cannot be reported.

Graphics & Titles Report

Lists the generators in the chosen video tracks. The report includes columns for: Track; Clip Name; Text Generator; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; Duration; Font; and the Text content entered for the title.

Transitions Report

Lists a summary of the Apple and Third-party transitions used and the transitions in the chosen tracks. The report includes columns for: Track; Transition name; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; and Duration. Third-party transitions are highlighted with red text. 

Clip Filters Report

Lists a summary of the Apple and Third-party filters used and the filters applied to video and/or audio clips for the chosen tracks. The report includes columns for: Track; Filter name; Enabled; Clip Name; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; and Duration. Third-party filters are highlighted with red text.

Motion Effects Report

Lists the Motion effects applied to video clips for the chosen tracks. The report includes columns for: Track; Motion setting name; Clip Name; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; and Duration.

Files Summary Report

Lists all the media files used in the sequence, the estimated total duration of material used from each file, and the percentage of total material used from each file. The report includes columns for File Name; File Path; Estimated Total; and % of Total.

Reels Summary Report

Lists all the reels used in the sequence, the estimated total duration of material used from each reel, and the percentage of total material used from each reel. The report includes columns for Source Reel Name; Estimated Total; and % of Total.

Reels Reports

A report sheet is created for each source reel for clips in the chosen tracks. Each sheet lists the video and/or audio clips for the chosen tracks in order of their appearance (regardless of which track the clip is in). The report includes columns for: Track or Bin; Clip Name; Enabled; Sequence In timecode; Sequence Out timecode; Clip Duration (calculated from Sequence In/Out timecode); Source Reel Name; Source In timecode; Source Out timecode; Source Duration (calculated from Source In/Out timecode); Sound Roll Name; Source File Path; logging information (Description, Scene, Shot/Take, Log Note, Scene Note, Shot Note, Take Note); film data (Camera Roll, Daily Roll, Lab Roll); Label; comments (Master Comment 1, Master Comment 2, Master Comment 3, Master Comment 4, Comment A, Comment B); Frame Rate/Sample Rate; Frame Size; Source File Path. An Estimated Total for Source Duration is included at the bottom of the Source Duration column.

Filtering reports in Excel

Excel has powerful features for filtering a spreadsheet. 

  1. In Excel, choose the Data menu, and from the Filter sub-menu select AutoFilter. A popup menu indicator is added to the headings of the frontmost sheet.
  2. To show only those rows where, say, Master Comment 1 is “Algonquin Hotel”, click the Master Comment 1 popup menu indicator and select Algonquin Hotel from the menu. The spreadsheet changes to show only those rows with Algonquin Hotel in the Master Comment 1 column.
  3. For more powerful filtering, choose Custom Filter… from the popup menu. The Custom AutoFilter dialog opens. (See Excel’s help topic “Filter a list of data” for more information.)


Choose the Sequence Clip Reporter menu and select Preferences to open the Preferences window.


You can create Layouts for clip reports that include only the columns you have selected. 

Click the “plus” button to name the new layout and add it to the popup menu, then turn on the checkboxes for the columns you want to include in the reports.

Click the “pencil” button to rename the layout; click the “minus” button to remove the layout. 

The default layout is Standard, which cannot be renamed or removed.

You can choose to Add thumbnails at pre-set width or a custom width. The thumbnail image is created from the clip’s in point. Thumbnail images can only be created from QuickTime/AV Foundation-compatible media that is online. If the media is offline or incompatible, the thumbnail will be a “Missing” or “Unknown” graphic. Layouts that include a column for thumbnails will be significantly slower to create. 

Tip: Sequence Clip Reporter running on Mac OS X 10.10 or later supports more media types (via AV Foundation) if the free “Pro Video Formats” are installed from this search page. You can check if you have Pro Video Formats installed by choosing Help > Check for Pro Video Formats.


You can choose whether to import both video and audio tracks, only video tracks, or only audio tracks. Importing just video or audio tracks is faster than importing all tracks.

Time Display

You can choose whether times are reported as Frames, Feet+Frames (4-perf at 24 fps), HH:MM:SS, Seconds, or HH:MM:SS:FF timecode format (drop frame or non-drop frame timecode will be used depending on the clip or timeline setting), or a combination of these.

One or more time columns can be added to the report, and sequence times can be reported differently than source times.

For Sequence In and Sequence Out you can apply frame offsets to the reported times.

Text Colors

You can choose to have the spreadsheet rows for video clips, audio clips and markers set to different colors. Excel has 15 different colors available.


Use the Check at Launch checkbox to choose whether to automatically check for software updates. You can manually check for software updates by clicking the Check now button, or by choosing the Sequence Clip Reporter menu and selecting Check for Updates… Checking for software updates occurs only when you are connected to the internet. 

The latest version of Sequence Clip Reporter can also be downloaded from any internet-connected computer by visiting www.IntelligentAssistance.com/downloads.