Also known as Project X₂7

Move a Final Cut Pro X Event or Project to: Premiere Pro CC,
After Effects
(before version  17.0.5 ),
Audition, and beyond!

XtoCC is the App Store name.
Project X₂7 is the same app, but activated with a serial number, and sold direct from this site.

I’m using this for a client that only uses Premiere, but I can edit 100x faster in Final Cut. I’m saving myself a nightmare by just buying this, making the edit in FCP and sending them a folder with the XML and files in it. They are going to finish it. It’s a life saverr! 

Just buy it for those reasons and you’re going to give a 10 star. 

yanked (via app store)


For purchases of 3 or more, add to cart and use code Xto7 to take 30% off.

XtoCC translates Final Cut Pro X Library XML (.fcpxml) and converts it to XML (,xml )for import into Adobe’s Creative Cloud – Premiere Pro, Audition & After Effects – or other compatible applications.

XtoCC Openjpeg

XML Ready For

Premiere Pro, and then to

    • AAF to Avid Media Composer and Pro Tools
    • OMF for ProTools
    • EDL
  • After Effects (before version 17.0.5)
  • Audition

and other Final Cut Pro 7 XML workflow tools.

What to Expect

A typical Final Cut Pro Library will have:

  • Clips in Events
  • titles at the start and end;
  • a mixture of primary storyline and connected clips;
  • a mix of active and inactive clips;
  • large numbers of J and L cuts;
  • to-do markers and regular markers;
  • spot audio effects; and
  • cross-dissolve transitions.

All transfer without problem.  Unfinished to-do markers appear as red markers, completed to-do markers as Green markers, and the blue Final Cut Pro  markers as blue markers in Premiere Pro.

I bought it and just hoped for the best, and it worked great. I imported an 8 minute video and it only missed two clips, which were easy to locate and replace. A $50 investment to save several hours of work and headache, is well worth it in my eyes.

(via app store)

Had to transfer a FCP Library to a PP user, and it worked great. 

Massive win though, as I had sorted the content in FCP and was able retain it into PP.

(via app store)

In a pinch, I had to move FCP t Premiere CC. Larry Jordan (as well as Adobe) recommended it. Purchased it, exported my projects, opened them in Premiere. Now I can get back to work. 

40 Big Eyes
(via app store)

Useful Links

For purchases of 3 or more, add to cart and use code Xto7 to take 30% off.